Thursday, June 19, 2014

So, it's been a while...

I'm currently re-vamping this as my author blog.

When I first started it, I was working as a genetics tech in Missouri and thought it would be fun to write little blurbs about Life when it intrigued me - like the big ol' dog who lived next door.

But it turned out that place I lived was WEIRD and my landlord was NUTSO and I'm not too fond of remembering it. Then the funding dried up for that job and I ended up going to Honduras and Mexico and getting pneumonia and living in a jungle (not necessarily in that order) and I sort of forgot about this blog.

Anyway, I'll try to update this thing more as writer-y things happen or I have writer-y thoughts and whatnot.

I love the word whatnot.

In the meantime, check out my new "Stories" and "About Me" pages. And have a pretty picture of a pronghorn I saw on the job last year.

Did you know pronghorn are not actually antelope, are the only member of the taxonomic family Antilocapridae (which sounds infuriatingly like "antelope" - damn you, taxonomists), and are endemic to North America? That means they live here and nowhere else!

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